Videos and One-Pages
Why Second Hand Smoke?
Why Second Hand Smoke? Video
Why Second Hand Smoke? Presentation
Why Second Hand Smoke? Video
Why Second Hand Smoke? Presentation
No ‘Butts’ About It! Breathing Easy at Home Video
No ‘Butts’ About It! Breathing Easy at Home Presentation
No ‘Butts’ About It! Breathing Easy at Home, November 16, 2021
The forum was held by the Community Health Alliance (CHA), with local experts Brian Le from the American Lung Association, Liz Williams from the American Nonsmokers Rights Foundation, Lydia Greiner from the Thirdhand Smoke Resource Center, and Yaneth Rodriguez from the Latino Coordinator Center provided an educational presentation about the dangers of secondhand and thirdhand smoke harms and effects within multi-unit homes. To learn more about how this issue could be affecting you and your family and how this information may benefit you, please visit our website by clicking here to be directed to more resources.
This recording is ideal for community members, property managers/ owners, and policymakers who are looking for local information on safe & fair solutions of Smoke-Free Multi-Unit Housing.